
22 A Street, From Sheikh Zayed Road, 2nd Interchange - Dubai

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22 A Street

2nd Interchange - Dubai

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09.00am to 18.00pm

Best Orthopaedic Sport Doctor | British Trained Consultant


British Trained Consultant Orthopaedic & Sports Surgeon
FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Glas), FRCS (Tr & Ortho), Dip.Sports Med (Edinburgh),


Orthopaedic & Sport Surgeon

Dr. Mohammad Ashfaq Konchwalla, best orthopaedic sport doctor british trained consultant, a top-notch surgeon in ACL and Hip Arthroscopy, is devoted to enhancing the health and wellness of patients affected by sports-related injuries and trauma.

Procedures Areas of Expertise

Hip Replacement Surgery in Dubai

Hip replacement surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at alleviating Hip joint issues by replacing damaged or diseased parts with artificial components.

Hip Arthroscopy

Hip Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive camera based surgical procedure that allows for visualization and treatment of a variety of conditions that causes hip pain.

Knee Joint Replacement Surgery in Dubai

Knee replacement is a surgical procedure aimed at alleviating Knee joint issues by replacing damaged or diseased parts with artificial components.

Dr. Mohammad Ashfaq Konchwalla

Dr. Mohammad Ashfaq Konchwalla, orthopedics surgeon a distinguished orthopedic sports and exercise medicine specialist trained at Kings College London, serves as a leading British-trained consultant in Dubai.
He provides a comprehensive range of services including arthroscopic procedures for the knee, shoulder, hip, and ankle, ACL reconstruction, and joint replacement surgery for the hip, knee, and shoulder.
Dr. Konchwalla, surgeon orthopaedic offers expert care for a variety of injuries, including ACL tears, shoulder, knee, hip, and ankle injuries, and trauma and sports-related conditions.
Dr. Konchwalla, best UK sports medicine specialists dedicated to providing comprehensive care for trauma and sports-related injuries. From initial evaluation and diagnosis to personalized treatment plans and rehabilitation strategies.
He ensures that each patient receives the utmost attention and support throughout their recovery journey. His compassionate approach and unwavering commitment to patient care have earned him the trust and admiration of patients across Dubai and beyond.

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Best Orthopaedic Sport Doctor | British Trained Consultant

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